October 27


Competitor Spotlight: Mike Ringhoffer #MensPhysique

By staciakelly

October 27, 2017

Welcome to NPC Men’s Physique Mike Ringhoffer to the Competitor’s Spotlight.

Where do you train? Lifetime Fitness in Centreville, VA
Weight On Season ~210
Weight Off Season ~190
Division(s) You Compete In: Men’s Physique

What got you started in health & fitness?
I grew up with a friend since kindergarten who got into bodybuilding at 19. When I went to Virginia Tech and he went to Appalachian St., he became friends with guys who were in great shape. I never made time to work out in college, but my attitude changed when I graduated, and I then wanted to start getting stronger and eating better, changing my physique.

What prompted you to want to step on stage?
I’ve been working out consistently since after college, but it wasn’t until recently I decided to hit the stage. I’ve thought about it over the past few years, but always reverted back to not having enough time, discipline, bothered by injuries, not big enough, etc., basically…excuses. How would I know if I liked it if I didn’t at least try?

Which show was your first show? How many times have you competed since then? Where?
My first show was the NPC Max Muscle VA Classic on April 30, 2017. I haven’t competed since then, focused now on gaining more size for my next competition.

Are you going to compete again? If so, which shows are you targeting?
I plan on competing again in 2018, targeting the NPC MM VA Classic again.

What’s your favorite body part to train? What exercises?
My favorite body part to train is back, specifically DB pullovers and wide-grip pull ups.

What’s your LEAST favorite body part to train? What exercises?
Legs, and it’s not even close. I’ve always struggled with squats because of one hip being tighter than the other and being 6’4″

Do you have a consistent playlist for when you’re working out? Any favorites to get you motivated?
I’ll usually listen to my workout playlist or a Rock radio station if I need to change it up. System of a Down never fails for motivation.

Favorite cheat meal? Go to food?
My favorite cheat meal is a bowl of ice cream and 5-6 Cookies and Cream Oreo cookies.

Favorite clean eating meal? Recipe?
Grilled turkey burgers on the Green Egg Grill with Mesquite wood chips and FlavorGod seasoning with steamed asparagus.

Do you have a strong support network in place?
I have an amazing wife and 2 boys who support me, and that’s really all I need. I had a lot of support from my friends and family as I prepped for the show, but they weren’t here for the daily grind.

What do you do for a living? How does your training and nutrition work around that?
I’m a Chief Systems Engineer from 9-5, so I workout at 6am M-F and eat 7 meals/day. I’m lucky to be in a position in which I can eat throughout the day.

How can people connect with you?
I’m on Instagram and Twitter @mringhof and facebook at https://www.facebook.com/michael.ringhoffer.5

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