October 6


Competitor Spotlight: Bryatt Cooper #ClassicPhysique

By staciakelly

October 6, 2017

Please welcome NPC Classic Physique Competitor Bryatt Cooper to the Competitor Spotlight!


Where do you train? Onelife – Norfolk
Weight On Season: 168
Weight Off Season: 180
Division(s) You Compete In: Classic Physique Class A

What got you started in health & fitness?
I have played sports all of my life. I got into lifting during football in high school. During my deployment to Afghanistan, I really focused in on creating the Physique I wanted.

What prompted you to want to step on stage?
My brother, Salby Salang, is a bodybuilder. He competed and we train together sometimes. We would always talk about me competing and after seeing a few shows, I was mad at myself for not going up there because I know I could win so I finally competed.

Which show was your first show? How many times have you competed since then? Where?
My first and only show was the VA Max Muscle 2017 in April in Woodbridge,VA. I placed first in three categories: overall classic physique, Class A classic physique, true Novice classic physique.

Are you going to compete again? If so, which shows are you targeting?
Yes I do plan to compete again. I do not have a specific show selected but it will be in summer 2018 to go for my pro card.

What’s your favorite body part to train? What exercises?
It’s really a tie between back and shoulders. There are so many various exercises you could incorporate. Too many to list.

What’s your LEAST favorite body part to train? What exercises?
I really don’t have a least favorite body part but I hate doing cardio. I’m a natural sprinter so distance is annoying for me. That paired with running in the Army makes it a bore.

Do you have a consistent playlist for when you’re working out? Any favorites to get you motivated?
No consistent playlist is used. I pick an artist radio station on Apple Music or random through my songs on my phone. My mood and sometimes body part being trained dictates music for that session.

Favorite cheat meal? Go to food?
Burger and fries. Specifically, cheddar style from Cookout.

Favorite clean eating meal? Recipe?
My old faithful is chicken breast and rice. It’s especially good when you can throw the chicken breast on the grill.

Do you have a strong support network in place?
My support network consists of my family, close friends, and some coworkers. They all support me in everything I do with fitness.

What do you do for a living? How does your training and nutrition work around that?
I am a Non-commissioned Officer in the Army. With physical fitness being a major aspect of my profession, bodybuilding falls in line perfectly.

How can people connect with you?
You can search my name on Facebook. My instagram is b_coop3. My Snapchat is iambcoop.

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