September 22


Competitor Spotlight: Cassandra Stutsman #Bikini

By staciakelly

September 22, 2017

Welcome NPC Bikini Competitor, Cassandra Stutsman, to the Competitor’s Spotlight!

Where do you train? Gold’s Gym
Weight On Season: 87
Weight Off Season: 94
Division(s) You Compete In: BIKINI

What got you started in health & fitness?
Seriously though, I started doing fitness to get more attention from men, so I decided to join a gym and began lifting hard and heavy, but realize later that this is a new way of life for me and the discipline gives me drive and focus, I am hooked for life!

What prompted you to want to step on stage?
I never anticipated stepping on stage and even balked at anyone who suggested it. However, once I reached my goals of 10% body fat it became clear with the encouragement of my coach that I had achieved something that I thought I couldn’t ever do. I ended up signing for my first show, then signed up for my second one, coming in at about 8% body fat. it was an amazing experience and hoping to earn my pro card in the near future.

Which show was your first show? How many times have you competed since then? Where?
Baltimore Gladiator in October 2016 first show
then Woodbridge in November 2106- second show

Are you going to compete again? If so, which shows are you targeting?
I’m prepping for the nationals show in NJ at end of June.

What’s your favorite body part to train? What exercises?
I tend to gain muscle easily in my upper body and struggle with adding sizes to my legs, so I hit every part of my body once a week but train mu legs twice-quads with calves and hamstrings with glutes.

What’s your LEAST favorite body part to train? What exercises?
Ironically legs but learning to love building them glutes. some favorite exercises though are hip thrusts, squats and lunges. I use the heaviest weight to build then switch to lighter weigh for shaping. (I am not a huge fan of cardio )

Do you have a consistent playlist for when you’re working out? Any favorites to get you motivated?
Surprisingly anything pop country gets me moving and pumping lol

Favorite cheat meal? Go to food?
chickfil-a fries and nuggets. yum!

Favorite clean eating meal? Recipe?
I typically eat five to six meals a day but my 2 favorite snacks….oatmeal with coconut flakes and/or tuna, with avocado and spinach.

Do you have a strong support network in place?
Friends, family and colleagues have been my source of strength and motivation. Some of my fan/followers on Instagram and Facebook have reached out to me and informed m how much I have inspired them in their fitness journey, this in return is giving me the inspiration and motivation to continue my self love journey…

What do you do for a living? How does your training and nutrition work around that?
I assist my branch manager run a staff of 60+ people in a branch. All about preparing for success they say- prep all meals-lean protein- chicken, fish, turkey, egg whites and slow digesting carbs such as oatmeal and sweet potatoes. I also eat lots of fresh veggies to help fill me up and add fiber. I eat about two and a half to three hours apart. I train daily after work, never miss a workout.

How can people connect with you?
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, snapchat, etc

Any addition information you’d like to share?
I want to encourage anyone interested in adopting a healthier lifestyle and creating a better physique to set a goal and stick with it. It won’t happen overnight, but it will eventually happen! There’s no magic pill, just consistency and the desire to change. I know that I cant be everything to everyone but if I manage to inspire one or two people, I thin that’s awesome!

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