August 18


Competitor Spotlight: Colleen Forton #Bikini

By staciakelly

August 18, 2017

Welcome to NPC Bikini Competitor, Colleen Forton!

Where do you train? Retro Fitness
Weight On Season: 105
Weight Off Season: 115-122
Division(s) You Compete In: Bikini

What got you started in health & fitness?
I played a handful of sports in high school, more for social interaction than anything else. I played volleyball, field hockey, softball, track & field, and rugby all for short periods of time. However, once high school ended, so did my activity. The summer between high school graduation and leaving for college 500 miles away is when I gained my freshman 15. Once I got to college I converted into a cardio bunny doing 1-2 hours on the elliptical a day, but binge drank 3-4 nights per week. After my first year of college I got my act together. I started going to the gym with my boyfriend, now husband ?, who made me pick up a weight for the first time. I’ve been addicted ever since.

What prompted you to want to step on stage?
When I became more interested in fitness 3-4 years ago I started following “fitspos” on Instagram. At the time all of them were about competing. I never thought my body would be capable of achieving that level of conditioning. However, my boyfriend proposed to me in Summer 2015, and I knew I wanted to look banging on my wedding day! I prepped very similar to what a contest prep consists of, in my opinion, and was so incredibly amazed to discover what I was capable of. I bulked that fall and winter, then started cutting in February, slowly decreasing macros / increasing cardio as needed to reach a physique I felt truly confident in for my wedding in June 2016. I took no extremes to get to that point- although I did lose a total of 17lbs. After that, I knew I had what it takes to complete a contest prep. I knew I had the drive to work, and discovered that I had the discipline to diet/say no to treats/ prioritize for this type of lifestyle. I wanted to prove that I too, just like all those fitspo girls, could do it ?

Which show was your first show? How many times have you competed since then? Where?
Max Muscle Contest on April 29th! I was a nervous wreck. I let my nerves get the best of me, didn’t talk to a soul, and didn’t strut my true self on stage.
Two weeks later I competed at the Natural Capitol Classic in Laurel, MD. I went into it with a brand new, badass, unstoppable mindset, and placed 4th in my open class.

Are you going to compete again? If so, which shows are you targeting?
Yes! I am planning on competing at the Baltimore Classic on October 28th of this upcoming fall.

What’s your favorite body part to train? What exercises?
Hamstrings! I love stiff leg deadlifts and lying leg curls- both with a slow eccentric to really focus on that time under tension.

What’s your LEAST favorite body part to train? What exercises?
Biceps! I hate any and all of it!

Do you have a consistent playlist for when you’re working out? Any favorites to get you motivated?
I actually started to listening to podcasts during my workouts. A few of my favorites have been Amanda Bucci, Lacey Dunn (faithandfit) and TNT (Training and Nutrition Truth Podcast). I love this industry, I love growing myself and my knowledge about training, nutrition, and mindset. Listening to these during my workouts really gets me pumped up!

Favorite cheat meal? Go to food?
Peanut butter and bacon jam burger on a pretzel bun with sweet potato fries!

Favorite clean eating meal? Recipe?
Taco seasoned lean ground turkey overtop spinach, tomatoes, bell peppers, black rice, and pico.

Do you have a strong support network in place?
I believe so. When I first started becoming serious about fitness my friends and family didn’t understand why I put so effort into my nutrition and training. I started a separate fitness account to hold myself accountable, follow those who inspired me, and share my journey. Today, my followers are some of my biggest supporters! I’ve met friends that I ended up competing with, and have even cried tears of joy from the kind comments my followers left me when I was in deep deep prep brain!

What do you do for a living? How does your training and nutrition work around that?
I am a Registered Nurse. I work three 12 hour shifts, so 2-3 days a week my training is at 4:45am before my shift starts at 7am. I pack all of my meals for the day prior to shifts too.

How can people connect with you?
@colleens_fitjourney is my IG account

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